“In Another World With My Smartphone” is an anime that falls under the isekai (another world) genre, a popular theme in recent anime trends. The story revolves around Touya Mochizuki, who is accidentally killed and then resurrected in a fantasy world by a benevolent god. Granted a request as compensation for the mistake, Touya chooses to keep his smartphone, which operates with magical enhancements in the new world.
Story and Characters
The narrative of “In Another World With My Smartphone” largely follows Touya’s adventures as he adapts to his new life. A significant aspect of the show is how Touya uses his smartphone, now enhanced with magical capabilities, to navigate this world, gaining allies, and solving various challenges.
Touya Mochizuki, the protagonist, is portrayed as a kind-hearted and somewhat overpowered character, typical of many isekai leads. His personality is amiable and easygoing, making him likable to other characters and viewers. The series introduces a variety of supporting characters, including several female leads who form a bond with Touya. Each character has distinct traits and backgrounds, contributing diversity to the storyline. However, their development can be somewhat limited, often serving more to advance Touya’s story than their own.
Art and Style
The art and animation of “In Another World With My Smartphone” are standard for the genre. The character designs are visually appealing, and the world-building through the artwork is commendable. The use of colors and effects, especially in representing the magical aspects of the world, adds a vibrant touch to the viewing experience. However, the animation does not particularly stand out in comparison to other contemporaries in the isekai genre.
This anime is recommended for viewers who enjoy light-hearted isekai stories. It’s particularly suited for those new to the genre or looking for an anime that doesn’t demand heavy emotional investment. The series combines elements of fantasy, adventure, and a hint of romance, making it a pleasant, if not groundbreaking, watch.
“In Another World With My Smartphone” provides an entertaining experience, particularly for fans of the isekai genre. While it may not offer deep storytelling or character development, it compensates with its charm and easy-going nature. It’s a show that doesn’t take itself too seriously and provides a relaxing viewing experience.
6.5/10 – “In Another World With My Smartphone” is a decent entry in the isekai genre, offering a light and enjoyable watch, though it may not appeal to those seeking more depth or complexity in the storyline or character development.